The best venue finder for event planners worldwide
Let us help you find the best and most exclusive venues and event locations all over the world. We give you comprehensive information on each venue including complete contact data.
With our own free-of-charge venue recommendation service, we also assist you in finding the right venue to match your requirements - saving you time and money.
Find top venues in Europe
fiylo® presents the top venues from all over the world
The perfect venue for your event
You are planning a spectacular event, so you need the perfect backdrop for you specific occasion? Great! Because we love great events and know how important it is to place your celebration, a party, a gala or whatever you are up to in the right spacial context.
The event location that you choose will definitely contribute to the success of your event. So you better be careful that the setting is congruent with the theme of your event and that the venue is easily accessible for all of your party guests.
Luckily, our search widget will help you find the suitable location for you event according to the occasion that is planned. For example, if you are searching for a venue that is ideal for a business event, you can add this to the parameters. And the number of guests as well.
You can also determine the kind of venue you want, e.g. a modern design location or maybe you prefer an historical location or an event ship. Due to our unique and clever search mask as well as the thousands of personally-proven entries, fiylo® has become a popular tool for event planners worldwide.
Locations for your conference or meeting
Whatever business meeting you are planning, we can offer you a wide range of venues worldwide that will defitintely make your event a success. Some may be looking for a classic setting for an international conference to which participants from all over the world are invited.
Then it may be important to have an airport nearby and a hotel for your guests from far away. On the other hand, you probably want to offer your international guests a great supporting programme with sightseeing attractions or a great natural backdrop.
There are also plenty of other business occasions to which you may want to come together, such as a product presentation, an incentive, a Christmas party, a company jubilee or a workshop. That is why our venue presentations hold all the important information about the event location ready which you need to make the right choice. This will save you a lot of time and energy! By the way, if you still have specific questions, you can directly contact the venue operator to make sure, you get all the answers that you need.
Beautiful venues for your wedding or private party
Isn´t it just great that we can have an event wherever we want? So, let´s say you live in Switzerland but you have always dreamt of a beach wedding on Mallorca – there is no reason, why you should not get what you want!
Or you live in Denmark and you are planning your birthday party in the Alps. The easiest way to find the perfect event location for your event is then to use fiylo as a venuefinder. Type in the number of guests, choose the specific region for your celebration and get inspired by our well selected list of venues.
The venue presentations will give you information about the event rooms and also the services that are included. For example, if you can have a catering service on site or if there are enough parking spaces. Maybe you need a stage and technical euqipment that the venue does not have, but usually the owner has a large network and can still provide what you ask for. In the end, you will know beforehand, if the venue is right for your project and if the premises offer all that you want.